Founded in 2022 by British entreprenuer Emma Salahi, the former producer of Condé Nast magazine LOVE and personal assistant to Editor in Chief and super stylist Katie Grand. Agony + Ecstasy is the first online gallery and art dealer in Ibiza which specialises in pop art, contemporary artists and photography. The gallery’s mantra is reimagining the blueprint of Ibicenco interior design by marrying fashion, nostalgic photography and groundbreaking artwork by prestigious and emerging artists into Ibizas’ invigorating orbit.

The gallery has partnered with Casa Jondal, Atzaro Agroturisimo, Paradiso Art Hotel, The Montesol Experimental and showcased at Contemporary Art Now (CAN) Fair.

The gallery’s photographer and artist roster include Oriol Maspons, Walter Rudolph, Mick Rock with Hannah Shillito, Sara Pope, Shepard Fairey, Chemical X, Kevin Spiller, Heath Kane, Lauren Baker, The Cameron Twins, Mr & Mrs Garcia, James Burke and Dave Buonaguidi. 

In 2024, Emma Salahi and Agony + Ecstasy joined forces with British publisher IDEA in the creation of the book “ORIOL MASPONS IBIZA.” An unpublished series of photos photographed by Spanish photographer Oriol Maspons, spanning the 1950’s to the 1980’s showcasing the becalming island before the discovery of tourists, to then the post Franco hippie movement and hedonistic beginnings of Ibiza’s nightlife inside Pacha, Amnesia and Privilege. The book is now in its third edition with the first edition selling out in just over a week.

If anything is likely to make us all long for a recent past we didn’t participate in, it’s Oriol Maspons’ pictures of Ibiza”